In Tarot each card is linked to the same meaning and any modification of this meaning needs other cards being played. In what concerns orientation the key is given by the astral section which will define the general orientation. From all of this I decided when I start working about Tarot represent note only the card by itself but also the meaning that the different combination of cards can assume in the different astral rooms. This will represent some kind of “given information” that is anything but the visible and invisible all together linked with our personal wishes and wills that can also change the destiny shown by cards. From the relationship between the lived past and the future to discover, a vivid almost human dialogue is established. I decided to work with dolls, dolls with baby faces and bodies in their almost human expressions as a symbol of a never ended and always (re)borne mute speech. Dolls with their pure and innocent faces expressing our most deep unconscious wishes and fears. Throughout the dolls faces I established the relationship between the future life of each one melted with the “obtained information” announced by Tarot cards.

The Tower
Disruption. Conflict. Change. Sudden violent loss. Overthrow of an existing way of life. Major changes. Disruption of well worn routines. Ruin and disturbance. Dramatic upheaval. change of residence or job sometimes both at once. Widespread repercussions of actions. In the end, enlightenment and freedom.

The Sun
Contentment and happiness on attaining success. Good Health. Material happiness. Mental, physical and spiritual vitality. New inventors or inventions. Academic and particularly scientific success. Reward. Acclaim. Approval. Children. Abundance of energy. Achievement. Joy and happiness.

Even if he is no aware this letter will allow him to have access to a sphere of action still unknown. Domain and skill.

The Fool – Le Mat
Beginnings, most probably of journeys which may be possibly mental, physical or spiritual. The beginning of a new life-cycle. Energy, force, happiness and optimism. The overturning of the status quo or existing states by unexpected happenings. Innocence, naivety, and spontaneity. Important decisions to be made.

Enforcement, procedure, disagreement and debate, in accordance with the decision of third person. Apart to put an end to any doubts.

Strength or Fortitude
Courage. Self control. The virtue of Fortitude. The power of love. Control of passion against one's baser instincts. Determination. Generosity. Strength and power under control. Energy. Optimism. Generosity, resolve and reconciliation.
When I commit myself to work on the Tarot I start thinking how to give my own idea on the way I feel the possible relationships of men with the future. I choose dolls, young bodies shaped dolls because throughout the dolls faces I could establish the relationship between the future life of each one as predicted by the Tarot cards, melted with our wishes wills and fears. With my dolls faces and bodies I will (re)born the future as the young dolls seemed to be our own (re)born on our day by day life and mind.
Process description: my art works are created by using dolls and special scanning technique to create these expressions of different dolls and toys printed on fabric. Before printing I use Photoshop to manipulate the scans until my desired expression appears. The pictures are then applied to wood frames where I also paint and attach sculptures made in resin and plaster to create a 3D effect in/on the finished art works.
The sculptures coming out from the fabric underline the message in the work and are made by modeling in clay. Thereafter I create the cast in silicon and the finished model is obtained by filling the casts with resin. The sculpture is then finished by hours of hours of polishing.
The result is a 3D effect of a hand on the printed fabric that continues out of the artwork and makes the viewer doubt if this doll in reality is in or outside the universe that I have created for these human like dolls.
dear rita. this work, major arcana is stunning. you and your work just get better and better.
missing you. would love to see these dolls in flesh. be well and keep exploring the deepest folds of life.
love, d
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